Мастер по-прежнему вызывает отклик - Кори Флинтофф
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NPR, formerly National Public Radio, is a privately and publicly funded non-profit membership media organization that serves as a national syndicator to a network of 900 public radio stations in the United States.
Corey Flintoff is NPR's international correspondent based in Moscow. His journalism career has taken him to more than 50 countries, most recently to cover the civil war in Libya, the revolution in Egypt and the war in Afghanistan.
In this programme from January 21, 2015, Flintoff comments The Master and Margarita. He states that the novel's popularity endures. He spoke with Edythe Haber, an expert on Bulgakov at Harvard's Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, who says that there seem to be parallels everywhere between Bulgakov's Soviet characters and the functionaries of today's Russia. Furthermore, we can hear the voice of Irina Gorpenko, who introduces the characters of the novel with theatrical flair.
Listen to Flintoff's comments - 4' 46''
Read the full transcript of the programme
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