Книжный червь - Михаель Силверблатт
Русский > Роман > Интерпретации > Михаель Силверблатт и Патти Смит
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Michael Silverblatt is the host of Bookworm, a nationally syndicated radio program about books and literature, originating from the public radio station KCRW in Santa Monica, California.
As a man who converses on an equal plane with writers of fiction and poet-ry, often surprising them with his insights, Michael Silverblatt has made Bookworm the United States’ premier literary talk-show. His secret, says Norman Mailer, who has subjected himself three times to the Bookworm's scrutiny, is that "he's the best reader in America".
In this interview from March 11, 2010, we hear about rock singer, poet and writer Patti Smith as a bookworm. You probably know about her love for the French poet Arthur Rimbaud, but did you know she worships Mikhail Bul-gakov and in particular The Master and Margarita? A voracious reader, Smith has written three unpublished novels and has created hundreds of visual pieces. In Bookworm she speaks of her unbounded appetite for cre-ativity and how The Master and Margarita made her go to Moscow.
In 2012 Patti Smith recorded the album Banga, named after the dog of Pontius Pilate in The Master and Margarita.
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