Книги ФМ
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In the Dutch podcast Boeken FM or Books FM, poet and critic Ellen Deckwitz, writer and critic Joost de Vries and writer and podcast maker Charlotte Remarque tell you once a month which book you should read.
They take turns presenting a book that they consider being interesting, relevant or simply excellent. Both originally Dutch books and books from other languages are discussed. In between the discussions, questions of the listeners are answered.
Boeken FM is the first podcast of the small-scale literary publisher Das Mag, in collaboration with the weekly magazine De Groene Amsterdammer and the podcast network Dag en Nacht Media.
On November 17, 2021, they discussed The Master and Margarita. You can listen to the full podcast below.
Ваш гид по роману

В этом разделе даются пояснения к встречающим-ся в романе понятиям, име-нам людей, местам дейст-вия, цитатам и выражениям в рамках политического, социального, экономичес-кого и культурного контекста, в котором создавался роман.