Books of Some Substance
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Books of Some Substance is a San Francisco-based book club and podcast, describing itself as «an unofficial podcast of literary misfits everywhere who want to engage with books of substance». Nathan Sharp, Nick Scandy and a David of whom I don’t know the surname discuss books in their own way.
They already debated on Carlos Fuentes (1928-2012), James Baldwin (1924-1987), Herman Hesse (1877-1962), Eileen Chang (1920-1955) and many others.
In the episode 3 of February 20, 2016, they talked through «the (beautiful?) mess of madness that is Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita». Nick argued against the false binaried balance of Good and Evil, David floated in the abeyance of cold medicine, and Nathan growed into the role of curmudgeon and questioned the punk-rockitude of Nick and David.
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