Infinite Gestation
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Infinite Gestation is a website from Terre Haute, Indiana, which started in July 2015. Four writers, Patrick Field, Sam Zurcher, Matt Bird and Grant Karaszia discuss and debate all things literary: books, authors, reading, film adaptations, pop culture and the state of humanity, often while drinking and seldom without casualties.
They covered already many subjects related to George Orwell (1903-1970), Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977), Milan Kundera (°1929) and many others.
On August 27, 2015, in episode 6, Sam Zurcher tries to find the answers on various questions regarding one of his favorite novels, The Master and Margarita, which he called «a concurrent odyssey into 1930’s Soviet Russia and the city of Jerusalem as witnessed in the gospels».
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В этом разделе даются пояснения к встречающим-ся в романе понятиям, име-нам людей, местам дейст-вия, цитатам и выражениям в рамках политического, социального, экономичес-кого и культурного контекста, в котором создавался роман.