Vyatsjeslav Zhelvakov


Vyacheslav Yurevitch Zhelvakov (°1956) is assistent-professor for drawing at the Russian Academy for Painting, Sculpturing and Architecture.He was born on October 24, 1956 in Yaransk in the Kirov region. He learned etching and engraving at the Moscow VI Surikov Art Institute. Later he took a post-graduate at the USSR Academy of Arts. He worked on many patriotic and military themes while showing a passion for history. One of his series was entitled The glorious sons of the fatherland.

In 2006 he made a series of drawings to illustrate a jubilee edition of The Master and Margarita, published by the Foundation Sergey Stolyarov.

Vyatsjeslav Zhelvakov
Vyatsjeslav Zhelvakov


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