Анатолий Фоменко (продолжение)
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А. Фоменко (продолжение)
Fomenko and The Master and Margarita
Fomenko says that he started thinking of illustrating The Master and Margarita even before its first publication in 1966.
“When the Soviet Union first began to prepare the publication of The Master and Margarita, there was a discussion about illustrating it. The idea of an informal competition of art works was suggested. For me it was a pleasant surprise to be among those invited to participate in it.
I was a mathematician, but I was interested in painting at the time, be it not as a professional artist. So I made dozens of illustrations for The Master and Margarita. However, for some reason, the contest was not held, and the first edition of the novel was published without any illustrations. Since then, many years passed. The novel has been reissued several times, with beautiful illustrations of different artists.”
In 2010, Fomenko’s dream came through: the publishing house AST from Moscow offered him the opportunity to publish the illustrations he made in a new Russian edition of The Master and Margarita.
For most people, including your webmaster, it will be difficult to link Fomenko's graphics to known characters, places or scenes from the novel. Maybe Fomenko is aware of this, since he created a complete website on which he comments each illustration. I wonder if it helps though, since many of his explanations are peppered with terms from mathematics, geometry and topology.
Технические детали
Master i Margarita
Published by AST, Moscow, 2010
ISBN 978-5-17-066102-2