Борис Маркевич
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Другие иллюстрации
Борис Маркевич
Illustrator Boris Anisimovich Markevich (1925-2002) was born in Kharkov in Ukraine, but moved to Moscow at the age of three.
From 1943 to 1947 he worked for the Mos-cow Circus as a designer of costumes. He combined this work with his studies at the Graphic Department of the V.I. Surikov Insti-tute of Fine Arts, where he graduated in 1949.
He quickly got international fame as an illus-trator, and in 1962 he was mentioned in Who's Who in Graphic Art, a leading interna-tional work of reference of the best graphic designers, illustrators, cartoonists and typo-graphers, and cartoonists. His work is in the collections of major museums as the Tretya-kov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum in Moscow.
A typical aspect of his drawings is that he's able to draw surprisingly clear situation with just a few strokes of his pen.
In 1988 he was asked to illustrate a Russian edition of The Master and Margarita.