Черно белые иллюстрации
- Введение
- Сергей Алимов
- Александр Бакулевский
- Мария Баур
- Александр Ботвинов
- Каспер Бозек
- Карла Буль
- Виктор Ефименко
- Александр Федоров
- Анатолий Фоменко
- Ганс Фрониус
- Славка Горна
- Александр Иванов
- Владимир Яновский
- Резо Каишаури
- Андрей Карапетян
- Артем Колядынский
- Эрика Латиган
- Борис Маркевич
- Ксения Моргунова
- Андрей Набоков
- Наталья Наролина
- Геннадий Новожилов
- Павел Оринянский
- Виктор Васильевич Прокофьев
- Надя Рушева
- А.В. Рыбяков
- Валентина Шютти
- Евгений Штыров
- Лаура де Шаль
- Юрий Чистяков
- Чарли Стон
- Павел Заблотский
- Вячеслав Желваков
Другие иллюстрации
Надя Рушева
Nadezhda (Nadya) Nikolaevna Rusheva (1952-1969) was a Russian artist, born in Mongolia. She died in hospital from a brain haemorrhage resulting from a congenital defect of the cerebral arteries. During her short life she created over 10.000 drawings. Impetuous and impulsive, free of all conventions, they were perceived by her contemporaries as a revelation. She arranged sheets with her drawings of The Master and Margarita so as to form a kind of book on which Bulgakov's widow, Elena Sergeevna left a note: "I wish I knew this amazing and subtle creature, Nadya Rusheva".
Nadya's Margarita beared a striking resemblance to Elena Sergeevna, although they never met. It's amazing how the 16 year old girl penetrated into adult feelings and historical epochs depicted by Bulgakov, where she got that virtuoso grotesque for scenes from a variety show. How she could feel so deeply and know so much remains a mystery. She saw what they eye cannot see