Fragments - The Master and Margarita
English > Adaptations > Performing arts > Theatre > Fragments > Trailer
Fragments was founded in 2008 by Shane Dempsey, Hannah Burke and Tom Flannery. Fragments is an international ensemble of theatre & video practitioners based in Ireland & London. Their work is inspired by the European model of a resident ensemble, that creates detailed work over a pro-longed length of time. They place a major emphasis on the unique value of creative collaboration. Hannah Burke, who is their writer in residence, is responsible for the development of new writing that is inspired by working closely with the actors in the rehearsal room.
Fragments have been granted permission to adapt The Master and Marga-rita. The Ensemble will apply their diverse physical skills to this modern classic. Featuring a cast of 13 highly actors, this high octane, vibrant re-telling will be played with incredible physical panache and invigorate the senses.
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Some theatre companies
- Teater Accent - Stockholm
- Århus Teater - Århus
- Complicite - London
- Divadlo Pražské konzervatoře - Prague
- Fragments - London
- Lune de Mire - Lyon
- Mum Puppettheatre - Philadelphia
- Nemzeti színház - Budapest
- Oskaras Koršunovas Theater - Vilnius
- OUDS - Oxford
- Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre - Glasgow
- The Master Project - Los Angeles
- Theatre company Tryater - Leeuwarden
- Théâtre du Voyageur - Paris