Nemzeti színház - A Mester és Margarita
English > Adaptations > Performing arts > Theatre > Nemzeti színház
Nemzeti színház
The Nemzeti Színház is the Nationaal Theatre of Budapest, which in 2002 found its shelter in a brandnew building near the Pest. Together with the Művészetek Palotája or Palace of Arts it's a part of the new Millennium City which was built on the last free piece of the river bank in Budapest. Originally on this spot should have held the World Exhibition in 1996 but that project was not realised.
In 2005 János Szász directed for the Nemzeti Színház an adaptation of A Mester és Margarita which is still on the repertoire.
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Some theatre companies
- Teater Accent - Stockholm
- Århus Teater - Århus
- Complicite - London
- Divadlo Pražské konzervatoře - Prague
- Fragments - London
- Lune de Mire - Lyon
- Mum Puppettheatre - Philadelphia
- Nemzeti színház - Budapest
- Oskaras Koršunovas Theater - Vilnius
- OUDS - Oxford
- Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre - Glasgow
- The Master Project - Los Angeles
- Theatre company Tryater - Leeuwarden
- Théâtre du Voyageur - Paris