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Все, что вы всегда хотели знать о романе Мастер и Маргарита
Мягкая обложка, 29.99 € E-book 14.99 € |
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The book Everything You Always Wanted to Know about The Master & Margarita contains, in addition to the Annotations per chapter, very detailed descriptions of all the characters from the novel and their prototypes. It also presents the places which Bulgakov described, and the role they played in the life of the author. In the appendices of this book you will also find the text of a passage that does not appear in the English translation of the novel, and the Dutch text of Bears in the Caviar, the hilarious eyewitness report which Charles Thayer wrote about the sensational Spring Festival organised by the American ambassador William Bullitt in Moscow on April 23, 1935, which Mikhail Bulgakov attended. It inspired him to describe the famous Ball of Satan.
This book contains a series of 33 black and white illustrations created by your webmaster.
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