Исходные тексты Михаила Булгакова
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The sources of Mikhail Bulgakov
The Life of Christ - Farrar, Frederic [en]
The complete text of the book written by Frederic Farrar.
English original - pdf 240 pages
The Gospel of Nicodemus - Nicodemus [en]
The complete text of the apocriphycal Gospel of Nicodemus, also known as The Acts of Pilate.
English translation - pdf 26 pages
Le Procurateur de Judée - Anatole France [fr]
The complete text of the book written by Anatole France.
English original - pdf 9 pages
La Vie de Jésus - Ernest Renan [fr]
The complete text of the book written by Ernest Renan.
French original - pdf 221 pages
The Life of Jesus Critically Examined - David Strauss [en]
The complete text of the bookDas Leben Jesu, kritisch bearbeitet by David Strauss from the collection of the University of Michigan.
English translation - web 784 pages
История сношений человека с дьяволом - Mikhail Orlov [ru]
The History of the relation of Man with the Devil - The complete text of the book by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Orlov (1904).
Russian original - pdf 248 pages
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