Novels and stories written by Bulgakov
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Mikhail Bulgakov in English
The Master and Margarita
The first English translation of Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita made by Michael Glenny in 1967.
pdf 205 pages
The Master and Margarita
The English translation of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, made by Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonski in 1997.
This text is no longer available on this website, due to a copyright claim made by Perseus Books Group, New York. However, the book is procurable on Amazon
Despite the copyright claim, this translation can still be downloaded from the website of the Serbian software engineer Josef Nygrin, with illustrations by Charlie Stone. To justify his publication, Josef Nygrin refers to the so-called Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial Licence. Click here to download the translation.
Loose ends and missing pieces
The meeting with Mogarych. A part of the original text of The Master and Margarita has not been translated in the English, French and Dutch editions of the novel You can read it here in English.
Dutch translation - pdf 4 pages
The Heart of a Dog
The complete text of The Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov, translated in English by Michael Glenny.
This text is no longer available on this website, due to a copyright claim made by Melville House Publishing, Brooklyn, New York. However, the book is procurable on Amazon
Three Kopecks
The story of the little man, a railroad employee, coming up against bureau-cracy and the taxman. And, reader, beware: this story contains nudity.
pdf 2 pages
Future Prospects
The first published story by Bulgakov, of which he said: "One day in 1919, I was on the train and wrote a short story. In the city where the train stopped I took my story to a newspaper editor who published it". The story was published in Gazeta Grosny on November 13 [26], 1919. It has been translated into English by Sidney Eric Dement of the Binghamton University, New York, USA.
pdf 4 pages
In the Café
Mikhail Bulgakov wrote this bleak outlook on the future of Russia, which was published in Kavkazskaya Gazeta on January 5 [18], 1920. It has been translated into English by Sidney Eric Dement of the
Binghamton University, New York, USA.
pdf 5 pages
The Moonshine Lake
Mila Sanina and Michael Wagner translated a collection of 101 feuilletons written by Mikhail Bulgakov between November 1919 and March 1926. The Moonshine Lake was published in Nakanune on July 29, 1923, and describes the life in Apartment 50 at Bolshaya Sadovaya ulitsa No. 10 in Moscow.
pdf 7 pages
Three Orders of Swinehood
Mila Sanina and Michael Wagner translated a collection of 101 feuilletons written by Mikhail Bulgakov between November 1919 and March 1926. Three Orders of Swinehood was published in Krasny Perets in 1924, and describes the life in Apartment 50 at Bolshaya Sadovaya ulitsa No. 10 in Moscow.
pdf 4 pages
An Assembly to the Skull
Mila Sanina and Michael Wagner translated a collection of 101 feuilletons written by Mikhail Bulgakov between November 1919 and March 1926. An Assembly to the Skull was published in Gudok on May 27, 1925, and describes a Soviet smychka - an assembly in which a central party official visits a rural community to link and bond the community to the party and its programs.
pdf 4 pages
The Steel Windpipe
Mikhail Bulgakov published The Steel Windpipe along with many other doctor stories between 1925 and 1927. It has been translated into English by Michael Glenny and published in A Country Doctor’s Notebook in 1975.
pdf 8 pages
Remembering Gudok
An excerpt from I Dreamed a Dream, an unfinished manuscript by Mikhail Bulgakov, first published in 1975. The text centers on Bulgakov's early days working for the magazine Gudok, referred to herein as "a certain big newspaper". Translated in English by Margaret Wettlin.
pdf 5 pages
The Fatal Eggs
The full text of The Fatal Eggs by Mikhail Bulgakov translated (but not very good) by Kathleen Gook-Horujy.
pdf 34 pages
Mikhail Bulgakov in French
Le Maître et Marguerite
The full text of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov in a French translation made by Claude Ligny and Marianne Gourg, from the collection Ebooks libres et gratuits.
pdf 334 pages
Mikhail Bulgakov in Dutch
Ontbrekende stukken en verloren eindjes
The meeting with Mogarych. A part of the original text of The Master and Margarita has not been translated in the English, French and Dutch editions of the novel You can read it here in Dutch.
Dutch translation - pdf 4 pages
Een feestdag met syfilis
Bulgakov wrote this comic short story on March 27, 1925, it was published in the newspaper Gudok.
Dutch translation - pdf 3 pages
This serial, subtitled Moscow in the beginning of the year 1922 was not pu-blished during Bulgakov's life. It was only released in 1988.
Dutch translation - pdf 3 pages
Een herinnering
Bulgakov wrote this text after having heard the news of Lenin's death on Ja-nuary 21, 1924.
Dutch translation - pdf 4 pages
De hoofdstad op een blocnote
This text was published as a series in Nakanune in Berlin between De-cember 1922 and March 1923, and includes sketches of the life in Moscow in the era of the New Economic Policy.
Dutch translation - pdf 12 pages
Het was mei
Written in May 1934, when Bulgakov had received encouraging news about a possible trip to Paris. The trip was canceled and Bulgakov tore up the text which was found in his archive in small pieces.
Dutch translation - pdf 3 pages
In het café
Bleak outlook on the future of Russia, published in Gazeta Kavkazskaya in 1920.
Dutch translation - pdf 3 pages
This text was written by Bulgakov when he lived in the infamous apartment number 50 of Bolshaya Sadovaya number 10.
Dutch translation - pdf 5 pages
De spiritistische scéance
This story was published in the magazine Rupor in 1922. According to Bul-gakov's first wife Tatiana Lappa, it would have been inspired by a spiritua-list sceance which took place one day in their apartment.
Dutch translation - pdf 6 pages
Roodstenig Moskou
Bulgakov was not pleased with the living condtions in the house at Bolsha-ya Sado-vaya 10, and later, in , 1924, in the communal apartment in the lite-rary house at Nashokinskiy pereulok 3-5.
Dutch translation - pdf 4 pages
The first published story by Bulgakov, of which he said: "One day in 1919, I was on the train and wrote a short story. In the city where the train stopped I took my story to a newspaper editor who published it".
Dutch translation - pdf 3 pages
Veertig soroks
Bulgakov describes four scenes from his arrival in Moscow in 1921 to the beginning of 1923. They were published by Nakanune in Berlin on April 15, 1923.
Dutch translation - pdf 7 pages
Mikhail Bulgakov in Russian
Мастер и Маргарита
The complete Russion text of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, with illustrations by Yevgeny Shtyrov.
pdf 184 pages
Черновые Наброски
Drafts of the novel. Bulgakov's two tiny notebooks containing the prelimi-nary notes for the third version of The Master and Margarita, written in 1929-1931, with the chapters Griboedov, Woland’s Flight and The Advisor with the hoof with comments written by Victor Lo-sev.
pdf 13 pages
Колыто Инженера
The Hoof of the Engineer - Draft for The Master and Margarita in Russian, written in 1928-1929, with comments written by Victor Losev.
pdf 23 pages
Черный Маг
The Black Magician - Another draft for The Master and Margarita in Russian, written in 1928-1929, with comments written by Victor Losev.
pdf 14 pages
Мой бедный, бедный мастер
My poor, poor master - Historian Viktor Ivanovich Losev collected all remaining versions of The Master and Margarita which Mikhail Bulgakov wrote between 1928 and 1940.
pdf 1.153 pages
Дневник Елены Булгаковой
Diary of Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova - The diary which Bulgakov’s third wife Elena Sergeevna kept from 1933 to 1940. Original Russian text with an introduction and annotations by the Ukranian writer and literary critic Lydia Yanovskaya (1926-2011).
pdf 401 pages
Сценическая адаптация Мастера и Маргариты - Lyubimov, Yuri
Script of the first Russian stage adaptation of The Master and Margarita from 1977, which is still played at the Taganka Theatre in Moscow.
pdf 107 pages
Texts by Michail Boelgakov in Italian
Il Maestro e Margherita
The full text of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, in an Italian translation made by Vera Dridso.
This text is no longer available on this website, due to a copyright claim made by RCS MediaGroup, Milan, Italy. However, the book is procurable on Amazon.
Texts by Mikhail Bulgakov in Spanish
El Maestro y Margherita
The full text of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, in a Spanish translation made by Amaya Lacasa Sancha.
This text is no longer available on this website, due to a copyright claim made by Random House Mondadori, Barcelona, Spain. However, the book is procurable on Amazon.
The Master and Margarita as a comic strip
Мастер и Маргарита - Родион Танаев [ru]
The story of The Master and Margarita presented as a comic strip by the Russian artist Rodion Tanaev.
pdf 99 pages
Мастер и Маргарита - Александр Выгалов [ru]
The first three chapters of the story of The Master and Margarita presented as a comic strip by the Russian artist Aleksandr Vygalov.
pdf 20 pages
Мастер и Маргарита - Allison R. Barbour [ru]
The American artist Allison R. Barbour adapted a part of chapter 28 - in which Koroviev and Behemoth raise hell in the Torgsin store - to a comic strip of eight pages in Russian.
Russian original - pdf 8 pages
Никогда не разговаривайте с неизвестными - Eirene Wang [ru]
«Никогда не разговаривайте с неизвестными» or «Never Talk with Strangers» is the first page of what could become a comic strip adaptation of The Master and Margarita.
Russian original - pdf 1 page
Дело № 666 - Nikita Krasnobrishev [ru]
Case No. 666 - Nikita Krasnobrishev was inspired by The Master and Margarita to make a short comic strip on the last adventures of Koroviev and Behemoth in Moscow.
Russian original - pdf 7 pages
Мастер и Маргарита - Eva Morgan [ru]
Eva Morgan adapted a part of Chapter 21 of the novel - in which Magarita interrupts her flight on the broom for talking to a dreaming child - into a three-page comic strip in Russian.
Russian original - pdf 3 pages
На Патриарших прудах - Ksenia Voloshkina [ru]
Ksenia Voloshkina made a short comic strip on the events at the Patriarch's Ponds.
Russian original - pdf 11 pages
Der Meister und Margarita - Bertram Köninghofer [du]
The story of The Master and Margarita presented as a comic strip in one page by the Austrian artist Bertram Köninghofer.
pdf 1 page
De meester en Margarita - Henrik Lange [nl]
The story of The Master and Margarita presented as a comic strip in one page by the Swedish artist Henrik Lange.
pdf 1 page
Le Maître et Marguerite - Neyef [fr]
The scene of the meeting of Woland and Stepan Bogdanovich Likhodeev (Styopa) from The Master and Margarita, made by the French comic strip author Neyef, pseudonym of Romain Maufront.
pdf 6 pages
Moscou endiablé - Bettina Egger [fr]
Excerpt of the album Moscou endiablé, a work in three layers in which Bettina Egger interweaves the story of The Master and Margarita with the story of Mikhail Bulgakov's life and with her own exploration of the sources of the novel in Moscow.
French original - pdf 4 pages
Le maître et Marguerite - Jean-François Desserre [fr]
In 2001 and 2002, Jean-François Desserre made two trips to Russia to prepare his graphic adaptation of The Master and Margarita. His adaptation has not been published. It's not a classic adaptation but a free interpretation.
French original - pdf 33 pages
Zéro absolu - Richard Bec & Christophe Marazano [fr]
Scattered scenes from The Master and Margarita are presented in this story, including excerpts from dialogues of Berlioz with Woland, Pilate with Jeshua, and Margarita with Azazello.
French original - pdf 32 pages
The Master and Margarita - Colin Alexander [en]
Colin Alexander published a porfolio he made to propose a graphic novel adaptation of The Master and Margarita. The portfolio includes a full colour cover and double page interior.
English original - pdf 1 page
The Master and Margarita - Boaring Bear [en]
Two pages telling the scene in which Behemoth tears off the head of George Bengalsky, the master of ceremony at the Variety Theatre, and one about the meeting of the master and Margarita.
English original - pdf 3 pages
The Flight - Bill Morse [en]
Bill Morse made a one-page comic about the flight of Margarita and Natasha.
English original - pdf 3 pages
The Master and Margarita - Polina Soshkina [en]
Try-out of a graphic novel with a short scene from the dialogue between Ivan Bezdomny and Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz at Patriarch's Ponds.
English original - pdf 1 page
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Your guide through the novel

In the section Annotations of this website you can read mo-re on Bulgakov's satirical des-cription of the life in the Soviet Union. In this section are explained, per chap-ter, all typical notions, names of people and places, quotations and expressions from the novel, and how they are related to the politi-cal, social, economical and cultural context.