Overdue podcast<
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Overdue is a podcast about «the books you've been meaning to read». Every Monday, Andrew Cunningham, a chief editor at the retailer company Wirecutter, and Craig Getting, Education Director at the Lantern Theater Company in Philadelphia, highlight a novel from world literature.
That can be both old classics as the Odyssey by Homer, but also thrillers such as Carrie by Stephen King or tear jerkers like Love Story by Erich Segal.
On October 8, 2018 we could listen to episode 322, dedicated to The Master and Margarita, which was announced as follows: «What's scarier than an authoritative government that censors and corrupts its artists? The literal devil! This week we're talking about The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, a seminal work in the 20th-century Russian canon and an exploration of just how weird stuff needs to get for the devil to introduce you to Pontius Pilate.»
Spooky talking points in this podcast include witch cream, vices, and Joseph Stalin's Haunted apartment.
Your guide through the novel

In this section are explained, per chapter, all typical notions, names of people and places, quotations and expressions from the novel with a description of the political, social, economical and cultural context.