In 2008 Sergey Kaptilkin asked some young, recently graduated theatre and film actors to play some scenes from the chapters 20 - Azazello’s Cream - and 22 - By Candlelight - of The Master and Margarita. They took the challenge enthusiastically.
Margarita - Anna Trishkina
Woland - Rodion Vyushkin
Koroviev - Vladimir Motashnev
Hella - Irina Taranenko
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Сергей Каптилкин
Sergey Kaptilkin was born near Moscow in 1971. When he was 12 years old, his grand-mother offered him a camera Smena-8M. He immediately got the taste, and went to the Photography Department of the Mossovet Po-lytechnical College in Moscow, where he graduated in 1993. Around that time he met Vsevolod Tarasevich, a photographer who is known for his photographs of the Second World War, and who has passed his know-how and experience.
In 1995 Kaptilkin started working as a press photographer, first for the military newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, later for the magazine Vo-yennyje Znaniya and finally for the newspa-per Izvestiya. His work was published in ma-ny prestigious magazines like Time, Life, Der Spiegel, Le Figaro and Newsweek. He also won several prizes with his press photo-graphs.
He made some remarkable photo series, in-cluding one of the endangered Melnikov hou-se, an architectural wonder which is well hidden in a side street of Arbat in Moscow.