Цветные иллюстрации
- Введение
- София Балог
- Анн Чарлотте Бога
- Алексей Державин
- Фредерико Фистароль
- Юлия Галкина
- Арина Георгита
- Глушенко и другие
- Самуель Гольц
- Анатолий Григоренко
- Ольга Граблевская
- Надя Грунина
- Елена Еськова
- Йоана Иванова
- Борис Жиркю
- Йоанна Зофия Ка
- Геннадий Калиновский
- Олег Канторович
- Андрей Харшак
- Тияна Кожич
- Леонид Ковтун
- Николай Королев
- Иван Кулик
- Ольга Левина
- Павел Лехович
- Антонина Максимук
- Марчин Минор
- Андрей Владимирович Николаев
- Арина Орлова
- panalevich
- Ян Персон
- Энрико Рипосати
- Уве Шрамм
- Анжелика Шуст
- Александр Семушин
- Икер Споцио
- Петр Суарт
- Марина Тераудс
- Сергей Тюнин
- Братья Траугот
- Педро Угарт
- Ян Ванхеллемонт
- Александр Выгалов
- Ина Вальтер
- Данила Жиров
Другие иллюстрации
Самуель Гольц
Samuel Golc was born on October 14, 1990 in Wroclaw, Poland. Since 2006 he has been living and studying art in London. After completing basic art education at Immanuel College he has begun a Bachelor in Fine Arts at the London Metropolitan University. He takes part in various exhibitions and shows in London’s galleries. His work covers a variety of subjects, and is deeply influenced by literature, including one of his favourite novels, The Master and Margarita.
His paintings are symbolical and mystical in genre and imply elements from cabala and quantum physics.
In 2009 Samuel has produced a series of il-lustrations for The Master and Margarita as a part of his course. He used a number of materials and techniques in order to express a variety of the novel’s tones and moods. These include: watercolour, ink on paper, pastel, oil painting and collage. His illustra-tions reflect the novel’s humoristic context mixed with sarcasm and melancholy.