Мастер и Маргарита в кино

Русский > Адаптация > Фильмы и сериалы

Мы продолжаем напряженно работать, чтобы улучшить наш сайт и перевести его на другие языки. Русская версия этой страницы еще не совсем готова. Поэтому мы представляем здесь пока английскую версию. Мы благодарим вас за понимание.

Агония создателей фильма

Many film directors have encountered difficulties in adapting The Master and Margarita - they failed more often than they succeeded. You will find their stories following the link below.

Click here to read the agony of the filmmakers

Успешные проекты

Film and TV series

It's amazing, however, how many movie adaptations there exist of The  Master and Margarita. I know about sixteen films.


Michael Lockshin (2023) - Russian (*)
Charlotte Waligòra (2017) - French
Giovanni Brancale (2008) - Italian
Vladimir Bortko (2005) - Russian (*)
Ibolya Fekete (2005) - Hungarian
Sergei Desnitsky (1996) - Russian
Yuri Kara (1994) - Russian (*)
Paul Bryers (1992) - English
Oldřich Daněk (1991) - Czech
Maciej Wojtyszko (1990) - Polish (*)
Andras Szirtes(1990) - Hungarian
Aleksandr Dzekun (1989) - Russian
Vladimir Vasilyev and Boris Yermolaev (1986) - Russian
Aleksandar Petrovic (1972) - Italian
Andrzej Wajda (1972) - Polish
Seppo Wallin (1970) - Finnish

Without further news

Katariina Lillqvist (2017) - Finnish/Czech

(*) The films and series marked with an asterix have been subtitled by your webmaster in English, French and Dutch. Some of them also in German, Italian and Spanish. Click here for more information.


While googling the net for finding films based on The Master and Margarita, you may also find the movie The Master and Margarita - The Ball at Satan's, produced by a certain Sergey Pryanishnikov in 2002. It's a full length film (119 minutes), using elements of Bulgakov's novel to link quite vulgar porn scenes to each other. For reasons of decency, we're not presenting this movie on our website.

On this website

With the menu on the right of this page you can see the technical details of the movies, read articles on them, and watch excerpts.

If you know films which are not presented here, or if you have fragments which I haven't got, please contact me, I will be grateful forever.

Click here to contact

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