Гостиница Балчуг Кемпински

Русский > Места > Избранное > Гостиница Балчуг Кемпински

The Baltschug Kempinski is not the cheapest, but certainly one of the most comfortabele hotels in Moscow. On the Moscow river bank it offers an unforgettable view on the other side with, next to each other and from the left to the right, the Kremlin, Saint Basil's Cathedral, the Red Square and the luxury department store GUM.

Until the beginning of 2007 you had, at the end of your range of vision at the right, to look at the unsightly hotel Rossiya but that one is demolished now. Originally it was the plan to construct the Eighth Sister at this spot. Now it will be replaced by three luxury hotels with a shopping mall and a parking, a project of the Britisch architect sir Norman Foster.

When arriving at the Baltschug Kempinski, you feel welcome from the first moment. Of course, the bottle of Abrau-Durso and the pastries help a little to feel comfortable. All nice spots of Moscow are at walking distance, including the route to follow the story of The Master and Margarita.

The Baltschug Kempinski hotel is oriented to western guests, mainly business people, en  in the weekends it is often the setting for chique wedding parties of the newly rich. I wish I was in room 412 right now...

Metro: Новокузнецкая (Novokuznetskaya)

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