Academia - 5 октября 2011 г.
Русский > Роман > Интерпретации > Academia > Анатолий Смелянский и Дмитрий Назаров
Анатолий Смелянский и Дмитрий Назаров
In the week when the Master and Margarita lectures were on the screen, Kanal Kultura's Lada Aristarkhova presented an extra talk show in which special guests Anatoly Smelyansky and Dmitri Nazarov were invited to answer to questions from the audience.
Anatoly Smelyansky is the principal of the school of the Moscow Art Theatre and Dmitri Nazarov is a successful actor who plays the role of Woland in the latest theatre version of The Master and Margarita which was premiered by the Moscow Art Theatre in September 2011.
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