Иллюстрации Фредерико Фистароль

21 февраля 2015 г.

Today we added to this website a page with illustrations for The Master and Margarita, made by the Italian artist Frederico Fistarol.

Federico Fistarol was born in Schio, Vicenza, Italy, in 1971, but now he lives and works in Rome. He studied photography at the Istituto di Fotografia e Arti Visive in Padua and then art and classic animation in an unnamed institute in Dublin, Ireland, where he graduated in 1998. 

In 2013, he made a series of sketches and paintings illustrating The Master and Margarita. They were exhibited in the spring of 2014 in La Grafica Campioli, a gallery in Monterotondo near Rome.

Click here to read more about it and to watch the illustrations

Frederico Fistarol

Illustration by Frederico Fistarol


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