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Речь Ленина
There are not much recordings left of speeches of Vladimir Lenin. One of the most famous is a fragment of a speech he made for the soldiers of the Red Army during the Civil War on March 29, 1919.
«Comrade (Red Army) soldiers! The capitalists of England, America and France are waging a war against Russia. They are taking revenge on the Soviet Peasants & Workers' Republic for her [Republic's] overthrowing the power of landlords and capitalists and set the example for all the peoples of the world.
With money and munitions, the capitalists of England, France and America support Russian landlords, who are marshalling their armies from Siberia, Don River, and Northern Caucasus against the Soviets, seeking to restore the power of the Tsar, of the landlords, of capitalists.
No, this will never happen! The Red Army has unified itself, it has arisen and started chasing the landlords' armies and the White Guards' officers away from the Volga, took back Riga, took back virtually all of Ukraine; it approaches Odessa and Rostov.»