Театр в Соединенных Штатах

2018 was a record year for the number of performances of plays based on The Master and Margarita, including 2 different versions in Finland with a total of 65 performances, 6 different versions in Italy with a total of 111 performances, 9 different versions in Germany with 85 performances, and one particularly successful series of 50 performances in France. It seems that this trend will continue in 2019.

In the United States, we could see about one hundred performances in four different theatre versions of the novel within just a couple of months. In December 2018 the Russian Arts Theater & Studio in New York presented the adaptation of Jean-Claude van Itallie (°1936). The series was so successful that it was extended until the end of January 2019. The Constellation Theater Company from Washington DC represents a series of performances with the adaptation of Edward Kemp (°1986) in February. They also planned additional performances until mid-March 2019. And in April 2019, the success of The Master and Margarita in the United States continues in Seattle and in Savannah.

From April 5 to 28, 2019, five actors from the theater simple in Seattle, together with a live band, will play a remix of their performance, which was awarded the best piece at the Fringe Festival in Adelaide, Australia in 1998. The director of the play is Rachel Katz Carey and the new score was composed by Brent Arnold.

In Savannah, Georgia, Stacia Saint Owen's adaptation will be performed at the Black Box Theater from April 17 to 24, 2019. The play is directed by Nicholas Newell and the theatre is located on the Statesboro Campus of the Georgia Southern University.


Constellation Theatre Company - Washington D.C.   Volgende

theatre simple - Seattle   Volgende

Black Box Theatre - Savannah   Volgende

theatre simple

theatre simple



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