Сегодня мы добавили на этот сайт страницу документального фильма «Булгаковщина» Анны Юртаевой о противниках работы Михаила Булгакова.
On January 4, 2017, director Anna Yurtaeva presented her documentary Булгаковщина [Bulgakovishchina] or Bulgakovesque, in which she sketches a picture of the opponents of Mikhail Bulgakov in Moscow.
Yurtaeva commented her documentary as follows: «For half a century the house #10 in Bolshaya Sadovaya Street is full of fans from all over the world. However not everyone is happy about such neighbourhood. Some characters from Bulgakov`s works are still living there. And all what the author wrote about will happen again...»
Use the link below to read more about it and to watch the animations.
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