Следуйте Булгакова в Москве

Телеканал России - 7 июля 2006 г.

Report of Telekanal Rossia about the first night excursion of the Bulgakov house. The walk passes most known places described in the novel.

The excursions are organised every day, except on Fridays, from 22.00 to midnight. The participation fee is 200 roubles, on Saturdays 250 roubles.

On Sundays the excursions are organised in the afternoon, from 15.00 to 19.00. The participation fee is 200 roubles.

On Fridays there's a possibility to visit the novel itself. You're shown around by Igor Kozlov and some actors of Театр «Бу....» (Theatre «Bu....»). Every Friday from 22.00 to midnight. The participation fee is 350 roubles and it is necessary to sign up in advance.

Night excursions in romantic Moscow are available too. Every night be-tween Friday and Saturday, and every night between Saturday and Sunday you can make this excursion accompanied by Igor Kozlov, Sasha Irbe and Aleksandr Usoptsev. The participation fee is 350 roubles.

The Bulgakov house organises much more theme excursions, like along Café's and Salons of the Silver Century, the Most Outrageous Love histo-ries, the Musical themes of Bulgakov and Legends of the old Arbat.


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