Another animated film
Today we added to the website another new short animated film based on the story of The Master and Margarita, and made by a student of the Faculty of New Media Arts at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology.
The Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych (PJATK) is an Academy with schools in Warsaw, Gdańsk and Bytom. Its Sztuka Nowych Mediów or the Faculty of New Media Arts is a product of cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.
Some time ago, we already published the animations made by Anna Poszepczynska, who was inspired by the meeting of Mikhail Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny with Woland, by Magdalena Wegiel, who shows the end of the Great Ball at Satan’s, by Anna Siwoń, who presents Woland’s Black Magic Show at the Variety Theatre, and by Michał Sokołowski, showing how Margarita uses the cream Azazello and flies to freedom.
Today we published the film made by Aleksandra Pobrotyń, showing the decapitation of Berlioz.