Master and Margarita - 2009
Video Jack
Video Jack started in 2004 as a collaboration between illustrator, designer and animator André Carrilho, and programmer, DJ and musician Nuno Correia.
André Carrilho (°1974), born in Amadora, Portugal, has worked as a professional designer, illustrator, cartoonist and animator collaborating, since 1992, with the most important Portuguese newspapers and magazines. He has won several national and international prizes and has shown his work in group and solo exhibitions in Portugal, Spain, Brazil, France and the USA.
In 2002 he was awarded the Gold Award for illustrator's portfolio by the Society for News Design (USA). His work has been published by the New York Times, Harper's, The Independent on Sunday and Vanity Fair, among other publications. He has also directed a short animated movie called Dinner in Lisbon.
Nuno Correia (°1972), born in Porto, Portugal, studied International Relations at the Universidade do Minho in Braga and worked in that area for 6 years, after moving to Lisbon in 1995. Meanwhile, he studied and developed activities in music, theatre, comics, illustrations, design and new media.
In 2000, he made a career change towards new media design and started teaching at universities. He also started a freelance multimedia design activity and the music project Coden. He finished his Master’s degree in 2004 with the thesis Multimedia em Portugal: Dinâmicas de Inovação (ISEG).
In 2006, Nuno Correia moved to Helsinki, to study for his Doctor of Arts degree at Media Lab, at the University of Art And Design in Helsinki, where he also teaches. He has also worked in 2007 in the Helsinki office of design consultancy Fjord, as Senior Interaction Designer and Service Design Lead.
In 2004 André Carrilho and Nuno Correia teamed up to develop interactive and generative visuals under the name Video Jack.
Video Jack tries to push the boundaries of VJ-ing, bringing together animation and programming to create innovative visual solutions. Besides VJ-ing, Video Jack directs videos and animations and also designs websites, DVD’s and visuals for events. Their Heat Seeker DVD was released in 2006.
In 2008, Video Jack created The Master and Margarita, an audio-visual adaptation of Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel. It was previewed in November 2008 at the Electro-Mechanica Festival in St. Petersburg, and premiered on April 5, 2009, at the Pixel Ache Festival in the Kiasma Theater in Helsinki (Finland). You can use the menu on the right of this page to watch all pieces from this performance.
Technical details
Master and Margarita
André Carrilho - visual design, animation
Nuno Correia - programming, music
Master and Margarita Online
On its website, Video Jack presents Master and Margarita Online, a Software Engine, by which you can create your own dynamic, multi-layered visuals and direct your own Master and Margarita music video in real-time.