Books about The Master and Margarita
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About
The Master and Margarta
Jan Vanhellemont
Vanhellemont, 2021
Paperback, 486 pages
ISBN 978-9081853378
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Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir
sur Le Maître & Marguerite
Jan Vanhellemont
Vanhellemont, 2023
Paperback, 504 pages
ISBN 978-9081853392
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Alles wat u altijd al wilde weten over
De meester en Margarita
Jan Vanhellemont
Vanhellemont, 2020
Paperback, 506 pages
ISBN 978-9081853361
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The Master and Margarita
A Critical Companion
Laura Weeks
Northwestern University Press, 1996
Paperback, 252 pages
ISBN 978-0810112124
The Master and Margarita
A Study Guide
Meghan Joyce
Grade Saver, 2009
Paperback, 150 pages
ISBN 978-1602591929
Between Two Worlds
A Critical Introduction to
The Master and Margarita
Andrew Barratt
Oxford University Press, 1987
Hardcover, 302 pages
ISBN 978-0198156642
Master and Margarita
A Comedy of Victory
Lesley Milne
University of Birmingham, 1977
Paperback, 66 pages
ISBN 978-0704402676
The Master and Margarita
The Gnostic Novel of Mikhail Bulgakov
George Krugovoy
University Press Of America, 1991
Paperback, 324 pages
ISBN 978-0819182883
Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita
The text as a cipher
Elena N. Mahlow
Vantage Press, 1975
Paperback, 202 pages
ISBN 978-0533017423
The Gnostic devil
in Bulgakov's "Master and Margerita"
Marc Neininger
GRIN Verlag, 2013
Paperback, 32 pages
ISBN 978-3638762397
Russia under Communism
Bulgakov, his Life and his Book
Dimitris Michalopoulos
Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014
Paperback, 52 pages
ISBN 978-3659531217
The Writer's Divided Self
Bulgakov's the Master and Magarita
Riitta H. Pittman
Palgrave Macmillan, 1991
Paperback, 211 pages
ISBN 978-0312061487
The Apocalyptic Vision of Mikhail Bulgakov's
The Master and Margarita
Edward E. Ericson
Edwin Mellen Press, 1991
Paperback, 216 pages
ISBN 978-0773497665
Étude sur le Maître et Marguerite
Marianne Gourg
ENS-LSH Editions, 2002
Hardcover, 89 pages
ISBN 978-2902126569
Der Roman "Master i Margarita"
Text und Kontext
Dimitrij Torizin
Verlag Dr. Müller, 2012
Paperback, 76 pages
ISBN 978-3836461993
Teufels Werke
Ein Roman um Bulgakows
'Der Meister und Margarita'
Witali Rutschinski
Piper, 2002
Hardcover, 558 pages
ISBN 978-3492700085
Die satirische Leseart
des Romans "Der Meister und Margarita"
Igor Blumberg
GRIN Verlag, 2013
Paperback, 52 pages
ISBN 978-3638659642
De meester en Margarita
Een sleutel tot de roman
Emmanuel Waegemans
Benerus, 2007
Paperback, 127 pages
ISBN 978-9080636361
Bulgakov si secretul lui Koroviev
Interpretare figurala la Maestrul si Margareta
Ion Vartic
Editura Polirom, 2007
Paperback, 52 pages
ISBN 978-9734605729
Guide to M. Bulgakovs The Master and Margarita
Georgy Lesskis and Ksenia Atarova
Glagoslav Publications, 2023
Hardcover, 520 pages
ISBN 978-1804840917
Путеводитель по роману Михаила Булгакова
(Guide for the novel by M. Bulgakov))
Georgy Lesskis and Ksenia Atarova
Uitgeverij Radoera, 2007
Hardcover, 520 pages
ISBN 978-5050064059
Роман М. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита»
(M. Bulgakov's 'The Master and Margarita'
Irina Belobrovtseva and Svetlana Kulyus
Knizhny klub 36.6, 2007
Hardcover, 492 pages
ISBN 978-5986970592
Расшифрованный Булгаков.
Тайны 'Мастера и Маргариты'
(Bulgakov deciphered.
The secrets of
'The Master and Margarita')
Boris V. Sokolov
Iauza, Eksmo, 2005
Hardcover, 608 pages
ISBN 978-5699107599
Чертовщина в Американском посольстве в Москве, или 13 загадок Михаила Булгакова
(Heck at the American embassy in Moscow, or 13 puzzles by Mikhail Bulgakov)
Leonid Parschin, introduction by A. Vulisa
Knizhnaya Palata, 1991
Hardcover, 208 pages
ISBN 5-7000-0299-X
Books about Mikhail Bulgakov
Life and Works of Mikhail Bulgakov
(Biography of Mikhail Bulgakov)
Marietta Chudakova
English translation by Jan Vanhellemont
Margarita Publishing, 2023
Paperback, 663 pages
ISBN 978-9081853385
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Жизнеописание Михаила Булгакова
(Biography of Mikhail Bulgakov)
Marietta Chudakova
Original edition 1988
CoLibri, 2023
Hardcover, 864 pages
ISBN 978-5389220348
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Mikhail Bulgakov
The Life and Times
Marietta Chudakova
Translated by Huw Davies
Glagoslav Publications, 2019
Paperback, 652 pages
ISBN 978-1784379803
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Mikhail Bulgakov
Life and Work
Ellendea Proffer
Overlook Hardcover, 2014
Hardcover, 288 pages
ISBN 978-1468309621
A Pictorial Biography of Mikhail Bulgakov
Ellendea Proffer
Ardis, First edition, 1984
Paperback, 150 pages
ISBN 978-0882338156
Manuscripts Don't Burn
Mikhail Bulgakov: A life in letters
Julie A.E. Curstis
The Overlook Press, 2012
Paperback, 320 pages
ISBN 978-1468300703
Les manuscrits ne brûlent pas
Une vie à travers des lettres
et des journaux intimes
Julie A.E. Curstis
Translated by Elisabeth Mouravieff
Julliard, 1993
Paperback, 354 pages
ISBN 978-2260008866
Manuskripte brennen nicht
Eine Biographie in Briefen und Tagebüchern
Julie A.E. Curstis
Translated by Swetlana Geier
S. Fischer, 1991
Paperback, 371 pages
ISBN 978-3100113344
Manuscripten verbranden niet
Michail Boelgakov: een leven
in brieven en dagboeken
Julie A.E. Curstis
Translators Svetlana Tsjerneva, Dick Poons
Amber, 1992
Paperback, 354 pages
ISBN 978-9050931649
Bulgakov's Last Decade
The Writer as Hero
Julie A.E. Curstis
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Paperback, 264 pages
ISBN 978-0521106528
Mikhail Bulgakov
Diaries and Selected Letters
Roger Cockrell
Alma Books, 2013
Paperback, 278 pages
ISBN 978-1847493033
Mikhail Bulgakov
A Critical Biography
Lesley Milne
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Hardcover, 340 pages
ISBN 978-0521122467
Mikhail Bulgakov
The Novelist-Playwright
Lesley Milne
Russian Theatre Archive, Routledge, 1996
Hardcover, 249 pages
ISBN 978-3718656202
Mikhail Bulgakov
Life and Interpretation
Anthony Colin Wright
University of Toronto Press, 1979
Hardcover, 342 pages
ISBN 978-0802054029
Mikhail Bulgakov
The Early Years
Edythe C. Haber
Harvard University Press, 1998
Hardcover, 570 pages
ISBN 978-0674574182
Is Comrade Bulgakov Dead?
Mikhail Bulgakov at the Moscow Art Theatre
Anatoly Smeliansky
Translator Arch Tait
Routledge, 1993
Hardcover, 374 pages
ISBN 978-0415908368
My Life With Mikhail Bulgakov
Lyubov Belozerskaya-Bulgakova
Translator Margaretha Thompson
Ardis; First Edition, 1983
Hardcover, 136 pages
ISBN 978-0882334332
The Master and the Devil
A Study of Mikhail Bulgakov
Andrzej Drawicz
Translator Kevin Windle
Edwin Mellen Press, 2001
Hardcover, 352 pages
ISBN 978-0773475007
The Author as Hero
Self and Tradition in Bulgakov,
Pasternak, and Nabokov
Justin Weir
Northwestern University Press, 2011
Paperback, 147 pages
ISBN 978-0810128071
Mikhail Bulgakov
Twayne's World Authors Series
Nadine Natov
Twayne Pub, 1985
Paperback, 162 pages
ISBN 978-0805765984
A Mind in Ferment
Mikhail Bulgakov's Prose
Kalpana Sahni
Humanities Press, 1984
Paperback, ? pages
ISBN 978-0391032019
Two Literary Giants
Bulgakov and Mandelstam
Natasha Perova
Glas New Russian Writing, 1993
Paperback, 240 pages
ISBN 978-5717200035
Three Russian Writers and the Irrational
Zamyatin, Pilnyak, and Bulgakov
T. R. N. Edwards
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Paperback, 236 pages
ISBN 978-0521109857
Bulgakov's Apocalyptic Critique of Literature
An Eventful History
Derek J. Hunns
Edwin Mellen Press, 1996
Paperback, 449 pages
ISBN 978-0773488250
Mikhaïl Boulgakov, 1891-1940
Un maitre et son destin: biographie en images
Translator Marianne Gourg
R. Laffont, 1992
Hardcover, 310 pages
ISBN 978-2221072103
Le roman de Monsieur Boulgakov
Gemma Salem
Zulma, 2003
Paperback, 332 pages
ISBN 978-2843042225
Mikhaïl Boulgakov
Aleksey Varlamov
Marie Starynkevitch
Éditions Louison, 2021
Paperback, 1299 pages
ISBN 979-1095454298
Michail Bulgakow
Elsbeth Wolffheim
Rowohlt Tb, 1996
Hardcover, 153 pages
ISBN 978-3499505263
Tatjana Lappa, Zeugnisse vom äußeren Leben
Bulgakows erste Frau
im Gespräch mit Leonid Parschin
Elsbeth Wolffheim
Leonid Parschin
Volk und Welt, 1992
Hardcover, 164 pages
ISBN 978-3353009203
Michail Bulgakow. Briefe 1914-1940
Dokumente und Materialien
Translated by Thomas Reschke, Renate Reschke
Random House Bertelsman, 2013
Hardcover, 584 pages
ISBN 978-3353009555
M. Bulgakov Und J. Stalin
Der Schriftsteller Und Der Diktator
Ute Drechsler
GRIN Verlag, 2013
Paperback, 24 pages
ISBN 978-3640631032
Булгаков. Энциклопедия
(Bulgakov. Encyclopaedia)
Boris V. Sokolov
Eksmo, 2005
Hardcover, 832 pages
ISBN 978-5699126897
Bulgakov i Margarity
(Bulgakov and his Margaritas)
Boris V. Sokolov
Algoritm, 2007
Paperback, ? pages
ISBN 978-5926503965
Bulgakov i Lappa
(Bulgakov and Lappa)
Lyudmila Boyadzheva
Vagrius, 2008
Paperback, 352 pages
ISBN 978-5969705579
Mikhail Bulgakov
Aleksey Varlamov
Éditions Louison, 2021
Paperback, 1299 pages
ISBN 979-1095454298