Pedro Uhart (°1938) was born in Concepción, Chili and studied law and economics at the University of Concepción, but has always been attracted to painting. In 1965 he moved to Europe and began to study at the École des beaux-arts in Paris, but he soon abandoned since he considered the education as far too academic.
It is common knowledge that mural paintings play a vital role in the South America society, so it was only natural that Uhart spontaneously began to express himself with this technique. Because it is not so obvious is to make a living of mural paintings in France, he created so-called floating walls, taking large loose sheets of monumental proportions as support to hang them no matter where, so that everyone can admire them.
In the '70s his paintings express an indictment of the Chilean dictatorship, supporting the fight for freedom. Uhart then evolves in cycles, first with The Amazons, then The musicians, and many others would follow, including The Master and Margarita.
The works of Pedro Uhart can be admired at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum in New York, and the Salvador Allende Museum in Santiago de Chile.
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Illustrations in colour
- Introduction
- Zsofia Balog
- Ann Charlotte Boga
- Aleksey Derzhavin
- Frederico Fistarol
- Julia Galkina
- Arina Gheorghita
- Glushenko and others
- Samuel Golc
- Anatoly Grigorenko
- Olga Grablevskaya
- Nadya Grunina
- Yoana Ivanova
- Boris Jirků
- Elena Yeskova
- Joanna Zofia Ka
- Gennady Kalinovsky
- Oleg Kantorovitch
- Andrey Kharshak
- Tijana Kojic
- Nikolay Korolev
- Leonid Kovtun
- Ivan Kulik
- Pavel Lekhovich
- Olga Levina
- Antonina Maksimuk
- Marcin Minor
- Andrey Vladimirovich Nikolaev
- Arina Orlova
- panalevich
- Jan Persson
- Enrico Riposati
- Uwe Schramm
- Alexander Semushin
- Angelika Shust
- Iker Spozio
- Peter Suart
- Marina Terauds
- Sergei Tunin
- The Traugot brothers
- Pedro Uhart
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- Aleksandr Vygalov
- Ina Walter
- Danila Zhirov