Natalia Narolina

English > Adaptations > Illustrations > Black and white > Natalia Narolina

Natalja Narolina    Natalja Narolina    Natalja Narolina   

Natalja Narolina    Natalja Narolina    Natalja Narolina   

Natalja Narolina    Natalja Narolina    Natalja Narolina   

Natalja Narolina


Natalia Narolina (°Lipetsk, 15/04/1984) is a Russian artist who began to work in the studio of the local artist Lidya Skargina in Lipetsk in 1998, while she was still having her secondary education. In 2001 she moved to Moscow, where she graduated at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Moscow State University for Printing Arts in 2006. She studied there with Anatoly Bulgakov, and Aleksandr Chernov.

In 2007, Natalia Narolina made a series of illustrations for The Master and Margarita.

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