Marcin Minor

English > Adaptations > Illustrations > Colour > Marcin Minor

Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor   

Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor   

Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor   

Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor   

Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor    Marcin Minor   


Marcin Minor is a Polish painter, illustrator, educator and art therapist. He originally comes from Warsaw, Poland, but lives and works in Petrykozy. He graduated at the European Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

Minor is using acrylic on canvas and paper, watercolor, ink, oil pastels, and digital art. He has illustrated several children's book and literary works, one of which is The Town Musicians of Bremen by the brothers Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859).

In 2017, he started making a series of illustrations for The Master and Margarita.

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