Illustrations in colour
- Introduction
- Zsofia Balog
- Ann Charlotte Boga
- Aleksey Derzhavin
- Frederico Fistarol
- Julia Galkina
- Arina Gheorghita
- Glushenko and others
- Samuel Golc
- Anatoly Grigorenko
- Olga Grablevskaya
- Nadya Grunina
- Yoana Ivanova
- Boris Jirků
- Elena Yeskova
- Joanna Zofia Ka
- Gennady Kalinovsky
- Oleg Kantorovitch
- Andrey Kharshak
- Tijana Kojic
- Nikolay Korolev
- Leonid Kovtun
- Ivan Kulik
- Pavel Lekhovich
- Olga Levina
- Antonina Maksimuk
- Marcin Minor
- Andrey Vladimirovich Nikolaev
- Arina Orlova
- panalevich
- Jan Persson
- Enrico Riposati
- Uwe Schramm
- Alexander Semushin
- Angelika Shust
- Iker Spozio
- Peter Suart
- Marina Terauds
- Sergei Tunin
- The Traugot brothers
- Pedro Uhart
- Jan Vanhellemont
- Aleksandr Vygalov
- Ina Walter
- Danila Zhirov
Other illustrations
Ivan Kulik
The heroes and motives from The Master and Margarita play an important role in the art of the Ukrainian painter Ivan Kulik. Ivan Kulik was born in 1959 in Ukraine. He studied interior architecture and monumental painting in Kharkiv Institute of Applied Arts. In 1990 he settled in Poland. Since 2001 he started painting gouaches based on masterpieces of world literature. Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita came first but it has not ceased to inspire the artist resulting to this day in circa 700 gouaches on the subject. 90 of them were used to illustrate a recent, twice reprinted edition of the novel in Polish, 28 of them are shown here, with thanks to Tomasz Maczuga.
A portrait of Pontius Pilate from The Master and Margarita made by Ivan Kulik illustrates a scientific paper on Hemicrania published in the well known medical journal Lancet in 2006.