Ann Charlotte Boga

English > Adaptations > Illustrations > Colour > Ann Charlotte Boga

Ann Charlotte Boga - Pontius Pilate    Ann Charlotte Boga - Variety Theatre    Ann Charlotte Boga - The Master and Ivan   

Ann Charlotte Boga - - Margarita    Ann Charlotte Boga - The flight on the broom    Ann Charlotte Boga   

Ann Charlotte Boga - Behemoth    Ann Charlotte Boga - The last flight   


Ann Charlotte Boga (°1988) lives in Askøy, near Bergen in the province of Hordaland, Norway, and studied at the School of Art and Design of the University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, and at the Norges Kreative Fagskole in Bergen.

In 2010 she made a wonderful series of 8 illustrations for The Master and Margarita.

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