Frederico Fistarol
English > Adaptations > Illustrations > Colour > Frederico Fistarol
Illustrations in colour
- Introduction
- Zsofia Balog
- Ann Charlotte Boga
- Aleksey Derzhavin
- Frederico Fistarol
- Julia Galkina
- Arina Gheorghita
- Glushenko and others
- Samuel Golc
- Anatoly Grigorenko
- Olga Grablevskaya
- Nadya Grunina
- Yoana Ivanova
- Boris Jirků
- Elena Yeskova
- Joanna Zofia Ka
- Gennady Kalinovsky
- Oleg Kantorovitch
- Andrey Kharshak
- Tijana Kojic
- Nikolay Korolev
- Leonid Kovtun
- Ivan Kulik
- Pavel Lekhovich
- Olga Levina
- Antonina Maksimuk
- Marcin Minor
- Andrey Vladimirovich Nikolaev
- Arina Orlova
- panalevich
- Jan Persson
- Enrico Riposati
- Uwe Schramm
- Alexander Semushin
- Angelika Shust
- Iker Spozio
- Peter Suart
- Marina Terauds
- Sergei Tunin
- The Traugot brothers
- Pedro Uhart
- Jan Vanhellemont
- Aleksandr Vygalov
- Ina Walter
- Danila Zhirov
Other illustrations
Federico Fistarol was born in Schio, Vicenza, Italy, in 1971, but now he lives and works in Rome. He studied photography at the Istituto di Fotografia e Arti Visive in Padua and then art and classic animation in an unnamed institute in Dublin, Ireland, where he graduated in 1998.
In 2013, Fistarol made a series of sketches and paintings illustrating The Master and Margarita. They were exhibited in the spring of 2014 in La Grafica Campioli, a gallery in Monterotondo near Rome.