Svetlana Borshchenko - Costumes
English > Adaptations > Illustrations > Other genres > Svetlana Borshchenko
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Svetlana Borshchenko
Svetlana Borshchenko lives in Pyatigorsk, a city not far from Kislovodsk in the deepest south of Russia. She is very frugal with information about herself. On her website you will for example find no birth date. "About age I will not speak, the artist has no age, I think," she writes. Even her real name is not mentioned, only her artist name Linea. But yet she enjoys fame for her ceramics and her poems. This made her laureate at the festival The Golden Lyra in Belgorod and at the festival for women's poetry Indian Summer in Novy Oskol.
Borshchenko had her visual work inspired by The Master and Margarita twice. She made some illustrations for the novel and she de-signed costumes in the style of construc-tivism for the opera The Master and Marga-rita, written by Russian composer Sergei Slonimsky.