Why You Should Read The Master and Margarita - TED

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TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) was originally an annual four-day meeting that was first held in 1984 in California. Speakers were invited to give «the presentation of their lives» in a maximum of 18 minutes about their area of ​​expertise, about a particular project, or about something they considered an idea worth to be disseminated.

These days, TED is spreading a lot of ideas in a variety of ways, including animation films. On May 30, 2019, TED published on its YouTube channel the animated film Why You Should Read The Master and Margarita. The idea was developed by «educator» Alex Gendler from Brooklyn, New York.

Despite the fact that a fact checker was engaged in the person of Francisco Diez, there are some errors in the text. One example: Bulgakov worked on his novel for 12 years, not for 10 years, as you can hear in the video. And in the novel Bulgakov explicitly wrote that Woland is выбрит гладко [vybrit gladko] or, in English, «clean shaven», but here we see him with a beard. Anyway, we thought it was nice that TED also appreciates The Master and Margarita.

The animation

Technical details

mp4 video

Alex Gendler

Draško Ivezić

Release date

4' 32''


Dutch, French

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