Majstor i Margarita - Aleksandar Petrovic

English > Adaptations > Films > Feature films > Aleksandar Petrovic > Serbian version

The Serbian version of the film of Aleksandar Petrović is, besides the language, slightly different from the Italian version. Among others, we can see a scene in which we see how an eye of Margarita turns in a rather silly way into a kind of screen on which the image of the master appears. Do you find it hard to believe me, reader? Then watch the excerpt below.

The main difference with the Italian version is, however, that there is no music of Ennio Morricone in it. Instead, we hear some Russian songs, which are also in the Italian version, but only in a sporadic and fragmentary way, because they are often silenced out by the soundtrack of Morricone. In the Serbian version, they come into full play. You can find an overview here.

   Toša Elezović - Ryabinushka

   Performer unknown - Blagoslovi Vladiko

   Performer unknown - Muzhchiny stradayushchie

   Pyotr Leshchenko - Rusky tango

   Bulat Okudzhava - Chornaya Koshka

The Serbian version of the film is not only hardly known, it is also poorly documented. The credits are incomplete and carelessly composed. We do know that the song Уральская рябинушка (Ukralskaya Ryabinushka) or Rowan of the Urals in the film is played by the Serbian accordionist Tomislav (Toša) Elezović. But the performers of the next two songs, the religious song Благослови Владыко (Blagoslovi Vladiko) or Bless The Lord and the popular folk song Мужчины, страдающие (Muzhchiny stradayushchie) or Men who suffer are unknown.

The last two songs are easier to identify. The first one is Спи мое бедное сердце (Spi moe bednoe Serdze) or Sleep, my poor heart by the Russian crooner Pyotr Leshchenko (1898-1954), a song that may be better known under the title Rusky Tango. The other one is Черная кошка (Chornaya Koshka) or The Black Cat by the famous Russian bard Bulat Okudzhava (1924-1997), still very popular as the singer of the Arbat.


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