Fuete - Vladimir Vasilyev and Boris Yermolaev

English > Adaptations > Films > Feature films > Vasilyev and Yermolaev > Fuete


In a large theatre in Leningrad everything is ready for the ballet The Master and Margarita. All roles are assigned, the talented dancer Yelena Knyazeva gets the role of Margarita. But the choreographer suddenly changes his plans and gives the role to a young debutante. Knyazeva reluctantly be-comes a mentor for the young dancer and works with her to create a good image of Margarita. The relationship between teacher and student is not so easy, the two talented people have hard to find common language and a constant rivalry between both can be felt. But the premiere of The Master and Margarita will take place.

The film Fuete was made in 1986 by the Russian director Boris Vladimi-rovich Yermolaev (° Tashkent, 15/06/1938) and choreographer Vladimir Vasilyev Viktorovich (° Moscow, 18/04/1940). It doesn’t tell the story of the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, but everything revolves around a ballet perfor-mance of The Master and Margarita, which is based on the novel.

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