The Master and Margarita in animation films

English > Adaptations > Films > Animation films

On these pages you will find an overview of the various animated films we discovered on our tour in the wonderful world of The Master and Margarita.

There are a few short flash animations made ​​by students in art schools, or slightly longer works such as the audio and video book made by Terentij Oslyabya, or the animation which Clement Charmet and Elizabeth Klimoff made based on the original comic adaptation of Jean-François Desserre.

We also included the Russian maker of cartoons Rinat Timerkaev, whose ambition was to realise a full-length animated film. We were able to lay our hands on some of the scenes and the poster for this film, and he has also published a trailer for it, but on December 2015, the film maker informed his public that he decided to stop trying: «Бизнес по-российски, блин!» or «Business in the Russian way, damn it,» he wrote.

So it is clear now that the film will never be released, but we decided to keep the material available on this website.

With the menu on the right of this page you can see the technical details of the movies, read articles on them, and watch excerpts.

If you know about other animated films on The Master and Margarita, do not hesitate to contact me. I will be eternally grateful.

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