Divadlo Pražské konzervatoře DIK - Mistr a Markétka
English > Adaptations > Performing arts > Theatre > Divadlo Pražské konzervatoře DIK > Mistr a Markétka
The Divadlo Pražské konzervatoře DIK (Prague Conservatory Theater) is a part of the Conservatory of Prague. The theater has students in the fifth and sixth years. The students produce performances for which they are sup-ported by a fully professional production team, including designers, cho-reographers, composers and many others.
The Theater Conservatory gives regular performances, every Monday in the theater Žižkov, which provides them with a studio theater and professional staff.
For many students the Conservatory Theater was the springboard for a pro-fessional career.
The fifth year of the Prague Conservatory Theater) introduced on March 1, 2010 the premiere of Mistr a Marketka, their stage version of The Master and Margarita.
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Some theatre companies
- Teater Accent - Stockholm
- Århus Teater - Århus
- Complicite - London
- Divadlo Pražské konzervatoře - Prague
- Fragments - London
- Lune de Mire - Lyon
- Mum Puppettheatre - Philadelphia
- Nemzeti színház - Budapest
- Oskaras Koršunovas Theater - Vilnius
- OUDS - Oxford
- Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre - Glasgow
- The Master Project - Los Angeles
- Theatre company Tryater - Leeuwarden
- Théâtre du Voyageur - Paris