English > Mikhail Bulgakov > Filmography
On this page, you will find an overview of all screen adaptations of works of Bulgakov. Most of those films and TV series are in Russian. In 2010, your webmaster started a project to also let «foreigners» enjoy them, by developing subtitles in English, French and Dutch, and some also in German, Spanish and Italian.
Films and series subtitled by your webmaster
The Master and Margarita 2 DVD box set with the choice of subtitles in |
The Master and Margarita DVD with the choice of subtitles in |
The Master and Margarita DVD with the choice of subtitles in |
The Master and Margarita DVD with the choice of subtitles in
Mistrz i Małgorzata DVD box set with the choice of subtitles in |
The Master and Margaret DVD with subtitles in English, French, German and Dutch. |
Heart of a Dog DVD with the choice of subtitles in |
The White Guard DVD box set with the choice of subtitles in |
Morphine DVD with the choice of subtitles in 112 minutes. |
A Young Doctor's Notebook with Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe |
Black Snow (Theatrical Novel) DVD with the choice of subtitles in |
Cuore di cane (Heart of a Dog) Italian DVD with the choice of subtitles in |
Ivan Vasilievich - Back to the Future DVD with the choice of subtitles in |
The Days of the Turbins DVD with the choice of subtitles in |
The Flight DVD with the choice of subtitles in |
Films and series English spoken
Molière or The Cabal of Hypocrites VHS English spoken. |
Films and series no subtitles
The Fatal Eggs DVD Russian spoken. |
Filmography English
Here you can find an overview of the screen adaptations of the works of Mikhail Bulgakov.
Most of the English subtitles have been made by your webmaster and are available in the e-shop of this website. Others are subtitled by third parties and are available on Amazon.