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The Master's Moscow
Yeshua's and Pilate's Yershalaim
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Mikhail Bulgakov
Bibliography Russian
Bibliography Dutch
Bibliography English
Bibliography French
Filmography English subtitles
Documents of Bulgakov
Books about Bulgakov
Collection of Bulgakov's writings
The Master and Margarita
Startpage The Master and Margarita
The story
The story - synopsis
The story - genesis
The story - time frame
The sources of Mikhail Bulgakov
Annotations per chapter
Interpretations and comments
Startpage Interpretations and comments
Interpretations and comments - Marko Fondse
Interpretations and comments - Marianne Gourg
Interpretations and comments - Pevear
Interpretations and comments - Alfred Barkov
Interpretations and comments - Stef Bos
Interpretations and comments - Colin Marshall
Interpretations and comments - Patti Smith
Interpretations and comments - Guillaume Gallienne
Interpretations and comments - Corey Flintoff
Interpretations and comments - Books of Some Substance
Interpretations and comments - Infinite Gestation
Interpretations and comments - Overdue podcast
Interpretations and comments - BBC World Service The Forum
Interpretations and comments - ABC Radio National
Interpretations and comments - Studies and essays about the novel
Opponents of the novel
Marietta Chudakova (1)
Marietta Chudakova (2)
Anatoly Smelyansky and Dmitri Nazarov
Andrey Kuraev
Aleksandr Uzhankov
Books about The Master and Margarita
Themes, style and form
Startpage themes, style and form
Style and form
Authorial text
Startpage context
Studies and essays about the Soviet era
Historical and political context
Startpage historical and political context
The Reds and the Whites
The Stalin era
Stalin's personality
The People's Commissariats
The secret police
The Gulag
The Show Trials
The official atheism
Video - Speech of Lenin
Video - Documentary about Lenin
Video - Lies about the famine
Video - Propaganda film from the Stalin era
Video - Propaganda posters from the Stalin era
Video - Manuscripts don't burn
Economical context
Roubles and beryozkas
Roubles and chervontsi
Housing in the Soviet Union
Social and cultural context
Startpage social and cultural context
Russian names
Russians and foreigners
Russians and their dachas
Calendar issues
Russian and Dutch
The literary scenery
The first literary men
The Golden Age
The Silver Age
Writers from the Soviet era
Artists and censorship
Alexander Pushkin
Contemporary Russian writers
The musical scenery
Classical music
Jazz music
Variety and en pop music
The Russian bards
Film soundtracks
Rock and roll
Children's songs
Video - The Trololo Man
Video - Aleksandra
Video - Crocodile Gena
The propaganda
Propaganda in Bulgakov's era
The propaganda machine
The propaganda themes
The propaganda films
The propaganda posters
Spacious Is My Motherland
The circus
Propaganda in Putin's era
De Kremlin Troll Factory
Video - Katyusha
Video - Spacious Is My Motherland
Video - The circus
Video - Propaganda lecture
Video - Song against the Whites
Main characters
Moscow characters
Startpage characters in Moskou
Archibald Archibaldovich
George Bengalsky
Michail Aleksandrovich Berlioz
Ivan Nikolayevich Ponyrjov (Bezdomny)
Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy
The sketch-writer Khustov
Latunski, Ariman en Lavrovich
Stefan Bogdanovich Likhodeev (Styopa)
Savva Potapovich Kurolesov
Professor Kuzmin
Baron Meigel
Aloisy Mogarych
Maksimilian Andreevich Poplavski
Alexander Riukhin
Arkady Appolonovich Sempleyarov
Andrey Fokich Sokov
Doctor Stravinsky
Ace of Diamonds
The writers at Griboedov's
Other Moscow characters
Demonic characters
The guests at the ball
Biblical characters
Dismas and Gestas
Judas of Kiriath
Joseph Kaifa
Matthew Levi
Pontius Pilate
Yeshua Ha-Nozri
Other biblical characters
The Moscow locations of the novel
Patriarch's Ponds
The Variety Theatre
Bolshaya Sadovaya
Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky
The basement
Stravinsky's hospital
The Alexander Garden
Margarita's house
The house on the embankment
The Torgsin store
The Spaso house
The Pashkov house
Sparrow hills
Video - Bolshaya Sadovaya
Video - The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Video - Ball in the Spaso house
Other locations in Moscow
The Moscow Art theatre
The Taganka theatre
Café Margarita
Baltschug Kempinski
Tramway A
Metro stations
Kotelnisyeskaya Naberezhnaya
Yeliseyev's Emporium
The Pushkin Museum
Virtual tour in Yershalaim
Bulgakov trips in Yershalaim
Vladimir Bortko - 2005
Maciej Wojtyszko - 1990
Aleksandr Dzekun - 1989
Movie pictures
Nikolai Lebedev - 2020
Logos Film Company - 2017
Charlotte Waligòra - 2017
Stone Village Productions - 2012
Giovanni Brancale - 2008
Ibolya Fekete - 2005
Sergei Desnitsky - 1996
Yuri Kara - 1994
Paul Bryers - 1992
Oldřich Daněk - 1991
Andras Szirtes - 1990
Vladimir Vasilyev and Boris Yermolaev - 1986
Aleksandar Petrovic - 1972
Andrzej Wajda - 1972
Seppo Wallin - 1970
Short films
Iskender Salimov - 2014
Sand Project - 2014
Varvara Faer - 1999
Animated films
Anya Conservi - 2019
TED - 2019
Alexander Golberg Jero - 2018
My Book - 2017
Maria Morris - 2017
HSE Moscow - 2016
Viktoria Khukhro - 2016
Kristina Pavlenko - 2016
Nina Nezhentseva - 2016
Nina Nezhentseva - 2015
The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology - 2015
Joanna Baska - 2018
Malwina Pacek - 2016
Aleksandra Pobrotyń - 2015
Anna Poszepczynska - 2015
Anna Siwoń - 2015
Michał Sokołowski - 2015
Magdalena Wegiel - 2015
Paul Fröhling - 2015
Lubimy czytać - 2015
Katariina Lillqvist - 2015
Michaela Režová - 2013
Mary Galp - 2013
Rinat Timerkaev - 2012
Doron Kobiashi - 2012
Erika Pal - 2011
Katie Brookes - 2010
Terentij Oslyabya - 2008
Kristina Laine - 2006
Charmet/Kimoff/Desserre - 2002
Svetlana Petrova/Natalya Berezovaya - 1997
Rinat Timerkaev - 2012 - Sets
Performing arts
Theatre adaptations
Theatre adaptations 1971-1980
Theatre adaptations 1981-1990
Theatre adaptations 1991-2000
Theatre adaptations 2001-2010
Theatre adaptations 2011-2020
Other performing arts
Andere podiumkunsten
Complicite - 2011
Theater company Tryater - 2010
OUDS - 2010
Fragments - 2010
Divadlo Pražské konzervatoře - 2010
Århus Teater - 2010
Teater Accent - 2009
Lune de Mire - 2009
Mum Puppettheatre - 2008
The Master Project - 2007
Nemzeti színház - 2005
Théâtre du Voyageur - 2004
Oskaras Koršunovas Theater - 2000
Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre - 1996
Rock & Roll
Trails Don't Lie - 2020
Splean - 2018
The Slow Cooked Bears - 2017
Xavier Karam - 2017
The Trolls - 2017
Stormy Atmosphere - 2015
Desert - 2015
After-Death Plan - 2015
Avantscene - 2015
Dani - 2015
Moriarty - 2014
Mercury Heart - 2013
Sequenz - 2013
WarHoles - 2012
The Michael Pemberton Band - 2012
Patti Smith - 2012
Botanica - 2012
Persephone's Bees - 2011
Fiction Plane - 2010
Year Long Disaster - 2010
R.M. Isaiah - 2010
Andem - 2009
De Kift - 2009
The Tuberkuloited - 2007
Apriori - 2006
Zarazza - 2006
Yorick - 2006
The Artems - 2005
Franz Ferdinand - 2004
The Lawrence Arms 2003
The Tea Party - 2001
Face2Face - 2001
Pearl Jam - 1998
Greenapple - 1994
XIII. Stoleti - 1994
Arija - 1991
The Rolling Stones - 1968
Video - Desert - Final Journey
Video - Moriarty - Long Live The Devil
Video - Mercury Heart - Master and Margarita
Video - WarHoles - Master and Margarital
Video - Patti Smith - Banga
Video - Persephone's Bees - Master And Margarita
Video - De Kift - Liefde en Puin
Video - Yorick - Flight
Video - Yorick - It's Time! It's Time!
Video - Franz Ferdinand - Love And Destroy
Video - Greenapple - Il maestro e Margherita
Video - Pearl Jam - Pilate
Video - The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil
Popular music
Claudia Vega - 2019
Kristina Berts - 2018
Basta and Yuna - 2017
Mullaulova and Karazhanov - 2014
Diakrisis - 2013
Linda - 2011
Yuri Fadeev - 2011
Rudi Zygadlo - 2010
Zhanna Aster - 2009
The Belly of the Whale - 2009
Sasha Duma - 2007
Psykick Lyrikah - 2007
DJ Bulgakov - 2006
Vladimir Semashkov - 2004
Larisa Dolina - 1993
Valery Leontev - 1986
Sergei Minaev - 1986
Igor Nikolaev - 1982
Zsuzsa Koncz - 1972
Video - Claudia Vega - Master & Margarita
Video - Mullagulova and Karazhanov - Woland's Ball
Video - Sasha Duma - Ne Plach, Margo!
Video - Larisa Dolina - Kot Begemot
Video - Valery Leontev - Margarita
Video - Zsuzsa Koncz - Margarita
The Russian bards
Vladimir Skobtsov - 2011
Danila Pitersky - 2011
Yekaterina Asmus - 2010
Vadim Rouge - 2009
Vladimir Safonov - 2007
Vladimir Zuev - 2006
Igor Zhuk - 2003
Elena Gurfinkel - 1999
Shukhrat Khusaynov - 1998
Vadim Yegorov - 1995
Venja Dyrkin - 1991
Aleksandr Rozenbaum - 1983
Video - Shukhrat Khusaynov - Serdtse Mastera
Video - Vadim Yegorov - Patriarshiye Prudy
Video - Venja Dyrkin - Margarita
Classical music
Stefan Dimitrov - 2018
Toby J. Jenkins - 2013
Adriano - 2011
Igor Khokhlovkin and Marina Kalmykova - 2011
Ensemble Raro - 2010
Małgorzata Zalewska - 2007
David Avdysh - 2003
Evgeny Baev - 2003
The Pikoul Sisters - 2002
Alexander Telnikoff - 1999
Eduard Lazarev - 1995
Aleksandr Soynikov - 1986
Andrei Petrov - 1985
Dmitry Smirnov - 1972
Video - Małgorzata Zalewska - The Master and Margarita
Video - The Pikoul Sisters - I Don't Care
Video - Andrei Petrov - Master i Margarita
Operas and musicals
Levente Gyöngyösi - 2017
Konstantin Glazunov - 2015
Musical Saint Petersburg - 2014
Musical Wroclaw - 2013
Rukopis Mastera - 2010
Grupa Teatralna Verde - 2009
The Moscow Childrens' Variety Theatre - 2009
Aleksander Gradsky - 2009
Gamma Skupinsky - 2008
Burn Me Dead - 2006
Yuri Kouznetsoff - 2006
Valentin Dubovskoy - 2004
Rumen Balyozov - 1997
Eugene Glebov - 1992
York Höller - 1991
Rainer Kunad - 1983
Sergei Slonimsky - 1972
Andrey Pashchenko - 1997
Video - Grupa Teatralna Verde - Mistrz i Małgorzata
Video - The Moscow Childrens' Variety Theatre - Schizophrenia
Video - The Moscow Childrens' Variety Theatre - Pilachina
Video - Gamma Skupinsky - Master i Margarita
David Crandal - 2016
Stephen Warbeck - 2015
Henning Boye Leonhardsen - 2014
David Ben Shannon - 2013
Igor Kornelyuk - 2005
Alfred Schnittke - 1994
Ennio Morricone - 1972
Other music genres
Katy Kononova and MC TJ - 2020
Caluwaerts & Blijweert - 2019
Vinz Aquarian - 2015
LaFrae Sci - 2014
Quartetto Minimo - 2013
Trish Clowes - 2010
Video Jack - 2009
Freska - 2008
Alexander Veljanov - 2008
Simon Nabatov - 2001
Video - Vinz Aquarian - Diavoleide
Video - Musica ex Machina - La notte che arrivò l’inverno
Video - LaFrae Sci - The Master and Margarita Meets Jazz
Video - Video Jack - The Master and Margarita
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Lyudmila Chebotareva
Comic strips
Complete albums
Le maître et Marguerite - Askold Akishine
Master and Margarita - Andrzej Klimowski
Master i Margarita - Rodion Tanaev
Moscou endiablé - Bettina Egger
Incomplete adaptations
The Master and Margarita - Boring Bear
The Master and Margarita - Colin Alexander
Le maître et Marguerite - Jean-François Desserre
Mistrz i Małgorzata - Bertram Könighofer
Case no. 666 - Nikita Krasnobrishev
Mästaren och Margarita - Henrik Lange
Master i Margarita - Eva Morgan
Le maître et Marguerite - Neyef
The Master and Margarita - Polina Soshkina
Master i Margarita - Aleksandr Vygalov
Master i Margarita - Eirene Wang
Zéro absolu - Bec & Marazano
The Flight - Bill Morse
On Patriarch's ponds - Ksenia Voloshkina
Covers Dutch
Covers English
Covers French
Covers Russian
Covers Others
Covers Special
Cover Hermitage
Illustrations in black and white
Startpage Illustrations in black and white
Serguy Alimov
Aleksandr Bakulevsky
Maria Baur
Aleksandr Botvinov
Kacper Bozek
Carla Bull
Aleksandr Fedorov
Anatoly Fomenko
Hans Fronius
Slawka Gorna
Aleksandr Ivanov
Vladimir Janovsky
Rezo Kaishauri
Andrey Karapetyan
Artyom Kolyadynsky
Erika Latigan
Boris Markevich
Kseniya Morgunova
Andrei Nabokov
Natalya Narolina
Gennady Novozhilov
Pavel Orinyansky
Viktor Vasilevich Prokofiev
Nadya Rusheva
A.V. Rybyakov
Valentina Sciutti
Yevgeny Shtyrov
Laura the Shawl
Charlie Stone
Yuri Chistyakov
Viktor Yefimenko
Pavel Zablotski
Vyacheslav Zhelvakov
Illustrations in colour
Startpage Illustrations in colour
Zsofia Balog
Ann Charlotte Boga (Ibelen)
Aleksey Derzhavin
Frederico Fistarol
Julia Galkina
Arina Gheorghita
Glushenko and others
Samuel Golc
Anatoly Grigorenko
Nadya Grunina
Elena Yeskova
Boris Jirků
Joanna Zofia Ka
Gennadi Kalinovski
Oleg Kantorovitch
Andrey Kharshak
Tijana Kojic
Nikolay Korolev
Leonid Kovtun
Ivan Kulik
Pavel Lekhovich
Olga Levina
Antonina Maksimuk
Marcin Minor
Andrey Vladimirovich Nikolaev
Arina Orlova
Jan Persson
Enrico Riposati
Uwe Schramm
Alexander Semushin
Angelika Shust
Iker Spozio
Peter Suart
Marina Terauds
Sergei Tunin
The Traugot brothers
Pedro Uhart
Jan Vanhellemont
Aleksandr Vygalov
Ina Walter
Danila Zhirov
Photo series
Nikolay Endegor
Sergej Kaptilkin
Jean Daniel Lorieux
Elena Martynyuk
Retro Atelier
Ilya Slavutsky
Mikhail Stavsky
Herman Van Gestel
Marina Volodko
Stana Krivokhizhina
Special illustrations
Startpage Special illustrations
C.C. Askew
Nelli Levental
Bridgette Bad
Svetlana Borshchenko
Lacquer art from Fedoskino
Natalya Khomenko
Elena Kunina
Malgosia Turzanska
Anastasia Zhdanova (ZhdaNN)
Links to websites about The Master and Margarita
Links to websites about Mikhail Bulgakov
Links to websites about Russian language and culture
Bulgakov's sources (6 documents, 1.528 pages)
Writings of Bulgakov (48 documents, 2.801 pages)
Essays about The Master and Margarita (83 documents - 6.608 pages)
Essays about the Sovjet era (25 documents - 2.182 pages)
Total archives - 162 documents, 13.119 pages
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Your guide through the novel

In this section are explained, per chapter, all typical notions, names of people and places, quotations and expressions from the novel with a description of the political, social, economical and cultural context.
Bulgakov's Moscow

Have a look at the most important places from the novel at a single glance on a clickable map of Moscow.
Virtual tour of Yershalaim

Have a look at all the places of Yershalaim seen from the air, from the Antonia Tower to the palace of Herod.