Historical pavement
November 5, 2023
The team of the museum-theater of the Bulgakov House in Moscow has decided to reconstruct the courtyard of the house. They want to create a paving of the times: part of the surface of the yard will be replaced with paving stones that are more than a hundred years old.
Previously, these paving stones were located on Tverskaya Street, at the service entrance of the Moscow Art Theater on the Kamergersky side street, on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, and at the exit of the Belorussky Station.
Gorky and Lenin, Stanislavsky and Bulgakov, Yesenin and Isadora Duncan walked on it.
To make their idea a reality, they launched a crowd funding project.
Maybe not everyone knows what crowd funding is. This is public financing of projects where all the money raised goes to the reconstruction of the courtyard.
We support this lovely initiative. Will you join us?
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