Bibliography - English translations
English > Mikhail Bulgakov > Bibliography English translations
Novels and stories
The Master and Margarita Translators |
The Master and Margarita Translators |
The Master and Margarita Translator |
The Master and Margarita Translator |
The Master and Margarita Translator |
The Master and Margarita Translator |
The Master and Margarita Translator |
The Master and Margarita Translator |
The White Guard Translators |
The White Guard Translator |
Heart of a Dog Translator |
Heart of a Dog Translator |
A Dog's Heart Translators |
A Dog's Heart Translator |
A Country Doctor's Notebook Translator |
A Young Doctor's Notebook Translator |
Morphine Translator |
The Fatal Eggs Translator |
The Fatal Eggs and Other Soviet Satire Translator |
The Fatal Eggs Translator |
Diaboliad and Other Stories Translator |
The Life of Monsieur de Molière Translator |
A Dead Man's Memoir Translator |
Black Snow Translator |
Notes on the Cuff And Other Stories Translator |
Bulgakov's Feuilleton Bulgakov's early short stories |
Theatre plays
The Master and Margarita Adapted by |
The Master and Margarita Adapted by |
The White Guard Adapted by |
Black Snow Adapted by |
Molière Adapted by |
Six Plays Translators |
The Early Plays of Mikhail Bulgakov Translators |
The Later Plays of Mikhail Bulgakov Translators |
Zoyka's Apartment Translator |
Flight and Bliss Translator |
Flight Translator |
Moliere Or the Union of Hypocrites Translators |
Don Quixote Translators |
Special edition
Master i Margarita Special edition (Russian) |
This special deluxe edition of The Master and Margarita is not in English, but the illustrations were created by my good friend Pavel Orinyansky, so I thought it worthwhile to mention it here.
Click here to watch Pavel Orinyansky's illustrations
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We have made a complete bibliography of all works written by Mikhail Bulgakov. You can find it following the above link «Complete bibliography» .
On this page you find a list of all works which have been published in an English translation.
Some works of Mikhail Bulgakov have been translated in English without having been published in book form. They can be found in our Archives section.
English subtitles

Your webmaster subtitled the screen adptations of the novel in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch and Italian.
Michael Glenny, English,1967
Michael Glenny, English, 1968
Marko Fondse, Dutch, 1968
Diana Burgin and
Tiernan O'Connor, English, 1996
Richard Pevear and
Larissa Volokhonsky, English, 2006
Michael Karpelson, English, 2006
The Life of Monsieur de Molière
Mirra Ginsburg, English, 1986
Hondehart (Heart of a Dog)
Marko Fondse, Dutch, 1969
Heart of a Dog
Mirra Ginsburg, English, 1994
The White Guard
Michael Glenny, English, 1995
Ron Hutchinson, English, 1998