Sitemap - Video fragments
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On this page you find an overview of all video fragments which can be viewed on this website.
Mikhail Bulgakov
Manuscripts Don't Burn - Reza Allamehzadeh - 1997
Video - Short biography of Bulgakov - Shushanik Khachaturian - 2005
The Master and Margarita
Scenes from the novel
At the Patriarch's Ponds - Ibolya Fekete - 2005
Berlioz decapitated - Aleksandar Petrovic - 1972 (Italian)
The name of the Master - Aleksandar Petrovic - 1972 (Italian)
Margarita and the Master - Aleksandar Petrovic - 1972 (Serbian)
Oh gods ! - Giuseppe Verdi - 2004
Pilate and Yeshua - Andrzej Wajda - 1972
Pilate and Kaifa - Paul Bryers - 1992
Halleluja - Vladimir Bortko - 2005
Halleluja - Yuri Kara - 1994
Ein, zwei, drei, chervontsi ! - Yuri Kara - 1994
Me voici ! - Charles Gounod - 1985
His Excellency - Alexandr Belinsky - 1974
His Excellency - Vladimir Bortko - 2005
The Encounter - Maciej Wojtyszko - 1990
The Encounter - Erika Pal - 2011
A new friend - Vladimir Bortko - 2005
Mass hypnosis - Maciej Wojtyszko - 1990
Margarita's flight - Vladimir Bortko - 2005
Film trailers
Master i Margarita - Rinat Timerkaev - 2012
Master i Margarita - Yuri Kara - 2011
Il Maestro e Margherita - Giovanni Brancale - 2008
Master i Margarita - Vladimir Bortko - 2005
Short films
Master i Margarita - Iskender Salimov - 2014
Master i Margarita - Sand Project - 2014
Master comma Margarita - Varvara Faer - 1999
Mistrz i Małgorzata - Aleksandra Pobrotyń - 2015
Mistrz i Małgorzata - Anna Poszepczynska - 2015
Mistrz i Małgorzata - Anna Siwoń - 2015
Mistrz i Małgorzata - Michał Sokołowski - 2015
Mistrz i Małgorzata - Magdalena Wegiel - 2015
Der Meister und Margarita - Paul Frôhling - 2015
Mistrz i Małgorzata - Lubimy czytać - 2015
Mistr a Markétka - Michaela Režová - 2013
Devil's midnight ball - Mary Galp - 2013
The Yellow Flowers - Erika Pal - 2011
The Master and Margarita - Katie Brookes - 2010
Master i Margarita - Terentij Oslyabya - 2008
Master i Margarita - Kristina Laine - 2008
Le maître et Marguerite - Charmet/Kimoff/Desserre - 2002
Margarita - Petrova en Berezovaya - 1997
News items
40 years of big love - Vesti Moskva - 2006 [Russian]
Koroviev and Behemoth in Marina Roshcha - Vesti Moskva - 2006 [Russian]
Interpretations and comments
The name of the Master - Aleksandar Petrovic - 1972
Academia - October 3 to 6, 2011
Marietta Chudakova (1) - Kanal Kultura - 2011 [Russian]
Marietta Chudakova (2) - Kanal Kultura - 2011 [Russian]
Anatoly Smelyansky and Dmitri Nazarov - Kanal Kultura - 2011 [Russian]
Andrey Kuraev - Kanal Kultura - 2011 [Russian]
Aleksandr Uzhankov - Kanal Kultura - 2011 [Russian]
Seminar Antwerp - November 16, 2007
Acquaintance with the novel - Vladimir Ronin
The diabolic dimension - Martine Van Goubergen
The biblical theme - Lidia Rura
Autobiographical aspects - Emmanuel Waegemans
Bulgakov's world view in his language - Tatjana Soldatjenkova
Translating The Master and Margarita - Heili Verstraete
Historical and political context
Speech of Lenin Cinema journal - 1919
Documentary about Lenin Men Of Our Time - Granada Television
Lies about the famine Original source unknown
News of the Day Soviet propaganda
Propaganda movie from the Stalin era Jove Film
Propaganda posters from the Stalin era Original source unknown
The destruction of the Cathedral - Vladislav Mikosha - 1931
Economical context
Housing problems in Moscow - Vesti Moskva - 2007 [Russian]
Communal apartments - [Est] Ouest - 1999
Communal apartments - Doctor Zhivago - 1965
Social and cultural context
Russian names - Vesti Moskva - 2007 [Russian]
Russians on their dachas - Burnt By The Sun - 1994
Bitter! Bitter! - Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears - 1979
Musical context
The Trololo Man - Edward Khil - Video clip
Aleksandra - Sergey and Tatyana Nikitin - Video clip
Song of Crocodile Gena - Vasily Livanov - Cartoon fragment
Katyusha - Irina Bilyk - 2005
Spacious Is My Motherland - Grigory Aleksandrov - 1937
The Circus - Grigory Aleksandrov - 1937
Slaves Of Freedom - Olivier Barrot - 1993
Propaganda films from the Soviet era - Jove Film
A propaganda lecture - A Dog's Heart, Vladimir Bortko - 1988
A propaganda song against the Whites - A Dog's Heart, Vladimir Bortko - 1988
Propaganda posters from the Stalin era - Unknown origin
The places from the novel in Moscow
Bolshaya Sadovaya no. 10
Walking with Behemoth - Vesti Moskva - 200 [Russian]
Following Bulgakov in Moscow - Vesti Moskva - 2006 [Russian]
Dramatized walk through Moscow - NTV - 2006 [Russian]
Apartment no. 50 - RIA Novosti - 2006 [Russian]
The graffiti - [English]
The Patriarch's Ponds
No primus at Patriarch's Ponds - Vesti Moskva - 2003 [Russian]
The revenge of the primus - Vesti Moskva - 2003 [Russian]
The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
The destruction of the Cathedral - Vladislav Mikosja - 1931
The Spaso House
Ball in the Spaso House - Vitaly Mendeleev - 2010
Other places in Moscow
Café Annushka - 2007
Live stream camera Taganka - Real time streaming video
Film trailers
Master i Margarita - Rinat Timerkaev - 2012
Master i Margarita - Yuri Kara - 2011
Il Maestro e Margherita - Giovanni Brancale - 2008
Master i Margarita - Vladimir Bortko - 2005
The Making Of Master i Margarita - Vladimir Bortko
The story of the shootings
It worked - 25.12.2005 [Russian]
Champions in popularity - 24.12.2005 [Russian]
Music in the movie - 17.12.2005 [Russian]
Manuscripts don't burn - 08.12.2005 [Russian]
Shootings in Saint-Petersburg - 17.03.2005 [Russian]
Margarita's flight - 26.02.2005 [Russian]
In the Crimea - 17.09.2004 [Russian]
Bortko is not afraid of Woland - 14.06.2004 [Russian]
Special effects
Studio Lesta - 2004
Studio Moecha - 2004
Studio Trigraf - 2004
The Making Of A Mester és Margarita - Ibolya Fekete
A Mester és Margarita - MTV Premier - 2005 [Hungarian]
The Making Of Master i Margarita - Rinat Timerkaev
Test recording Azazello and Poplavsky - 2011
Test recording Azazello - 2011
Test recording Koroviev - 2011
The Master Project - Trailer - 2010
Theatergezelschap Tryater - Promotional clip- 2010
Theatergezelschap Tryater - Report - 2010
Fragments - Trailer - 2010
Divadlo Pražské konzervatoře - Trailer - 2010
Århus Teater - Trailer - 2010
Teater Accent - Trailer - 2009
Lune de Mire - Trailer - 2009
Mum Puppettheatre - Trailer - 2008
Nemzeti színház - Trailer - 2005
Théâtre du Voyageur - Fragment - 2004
Oskaras Koršunovas Theater - Trailer - 2000
Rock & Roll
Moriarty - Long Live The Devil - 2014
Mercury Heart - Master and Margarita - 2012
WarHoles - Master and Margarita - 2012
Patti Smith - Banga - 2012
Patti Smith - Interview - 2012
Persephone's Bees - Master And Margarita - 2011
De Kift - Liefde en Puin - 2009
Yorick - Flight - 2006
Yorick - It's Time! It's Time! - 2006
Franz Ferdinand - Love And Destroy - 2004
Pearl Jam - Pilate - 1998
Greenapple - Il maestro e Margherita - 1994
The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil - 1968
Popular music
Mullagulova and Karazhanov - Woland's Ball - 2014
Sasha Duma - Ne Plach, Margo! - 2007
Larisa Dolina - Kot Begemot - 1993
Valery Leontjev - Margarita - 1989
Valery Leontjev and the Choir of the Russian Army - Margarita - 1989
Igor Nikolaev - Master i Margarita - 1982
Zsuzsa Koncz - Margarita - 1972
The Russian bards
Vladimir Skobtsov - Zongi k Masteru i Margarite
Shukhrat Khusaynov - Serdtse Mastera
Vadim Yegorov - Patriarshiye Prudy
Venya Dyrkin - Margarita
Classical music
David Avdysh - Ballet Master i Margarita - 2003The Pikoul Sisters - I Don't Care - 2002 Andrei Petrov - Master i Margarita - 1985
Operas and musicals
Musical Saint Petersburg - Report on NTV - 2014
Teatr Muzyczny Capitol Wrocław - Trailer - 2013
Rukopis Mastera - Premiere - 2010
Rukopis Mastera - Flash Mob - 2010
Grupa Teatralna Verde - Mistrz i Małgorzata - 2009
The Moscow Children’s Variety Theater - Schizophrenia - 2009
The Moscow Children’s Variety Theater - Pilachina - 2009
Gamma Skupinsky - Master i Margarita - 2008
Other musical genres
LaFrae Sci - The Master and Margarita meets Jazz - 2014
Video Jack - The Master and Margarita - 2009
Video Jack - The Seventh Proof - 2009
Video Jack - Black Magic And Its Exposure - Part 1 - 2009
Video Jack - Black Magic And Its Exposure - Part 2 - 2009
Video Jack - The Hero Enters - 2009
Video Jack - Azazello's Cream - 2009
Video Jack - Flight - 2009
Video Jack - The Great Ball At Satan's - 2009
Video Jack - The End Of The Apartment No. 50 - 2009
Video Jack - It's Time, It's Time - 2009
Photo exhibition in Moscow - NTV - 2009 [Russian]
Isabelle Adjani - TF1 - 2008 [French]
Photo exhibition in Paris - 1TV - 2008 [Russian]
The Making of the Photo exhibition - TF1 - 2008
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Your guide through the novel

In this section are explained, per chapter, all typical notions, names of people and places, quotations and expressions from the novel with a description of the political, social, economical and cultural context.
Bulgakov's Moscow

Have a look at the most important places from the novel at a single glance on a clickable map of Moscow.
Virtual tour of Yershalaim

Have a look at all the places of Yershalaim seen from the air, from the Antonia Tower to the palace of Herod.