The Devil and Margarita
December 13, 2024
Today we added a page to this website about the rock musical The Devil and Margarita, written by Alexandra Berlina (libretto) and Dmitry Chuvelev (music).
The story, inspired by Te Master and Margarita, is about the devil and his retinue - the clownish cat Behemoth, the self-absorbed demon Azazello and the deadly beautiful Hella - who arrive in Moscow in 1938. They wreak havoc, enjoy themselves, and, at Margarita’s behest, save a writer (the master) from the loony bin.
The duo is looking for an English-language theatre in Europe that might be interested in staging the show.
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English subtitles

Your webmaster subtitled the films based on The Master and Margaita in English, French, Dutch, German, Spanish and Italian. Check our web shop