Marietta Chudakova passed away
November 21, 2021
We were informed that today, November 21, 2021, Marietta Omarovna Chudakova has passed away. She was perhaps the greatest connoisseur of Mikhail Bulgakov's work.
In 1959 Chudakova graduated from the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. From 1965 to 1984 she worked in the Manuscripts Department of the Lenin State Library of the USSR, while in 1980 she obtained her PhD in Philology. She became one of the greatest experts on the life and work of Mikhail Bulgakov. Her biography of Bulgakov, published in 1998, is by far the most complete work on the author of The Master and Margarita. It was published in English in 2019 under the title Mikhail Bulgakov: The Life and Times.
In addition, Chudakova was also strongly committed to democracy in the Russian Federation under Vladimir Putin. In April 2010, she signed a petition from the Russian opposition on the website Путин должен уйти [Putin dolzhen ujti] or Putin must go, and in March 2014 she was one of 180 representatives of various professions who signed an open letter against Russia's annexation of the Crimea.
I have had the pleasure of talking with Marietta Chudakova at length on a few occasions. We didn't always agree, but she never made a fuss about it.
Marietta Chudakova was hesitant to get vaccinated against Covid-19. She eventually got infectied, and she died today after a week in the hospital.
Marietta Chudakova
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